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The term "Superfood" gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? This article defines superfoods and takes a look at some of the top superfood supplements.
What is the paleo diet? How does it work? Read this blog to learn more.
Mango chia seed recipe that will delight you! And the best part is, it's both Vegan AND Gluten-Free! Such a delicious, easy-to-make snack, and a great way to get the benefits of our Organic Chia Seeds. This is one of my favorite recipes to have at breakfast.
Over a typical lifespan, the amount of time we spend each day sleeping declines. Adults through middle age need at least eight hours, and although the elderly may still require up to eight hours, they may struggle to obtain those hours in one block.
More than 26 million Americans who suffer from seasonal allergies. Vitamin C is considered one of nature’s great wonders. A natural antihistamine, Vitamin C works by destroying the molecular structure of histamine, thereby decreasing the amount of histamine in the blood.
Americans spend more on health care than the next 10 nations combined, with 20 percent of our gross national product going into health-related expenses. The CBS I-Team discusses the importance of supplements with founder Wayne Gorsek.
Many of us are tuned into the importance of good nutrition during childhood, adolescence, and the reproductive years. But what about key nutrients for those 70 years old and up? Learn more.
Sleep is important to general wellness.* This blog takes a look at the consequences of sleep deprivation and the importance of quality sleep.
There are many diet plans available, but one that we'd like to call attention to is the Mediterranean Diet, featuring a healthy focus on antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, and resveratrol.