Nature's Lab - Education

Read Our Blog

Let’s face it. Life is hectic. How can you keep yourself healthy and keep your sanity in the process? Find research-backed tips for reducing your stress in our latest blog.
Zinc. Elderberry. Echinacea. With so many different immunity supplements out there, how do you know what’s right for you? In this week’s article we take a look at some of the top wellness ingredients and find out how they work to support your immune health.
August is Wellness Month. Discover our top tips and supplements to support your healthy lifestyle, manage stress levels promote mental calm.*
Women have different nutritional needs from men. This blog discusses the top 10 supplements for women and how to incorporate them into your wellness regimen.
You're too busy for restless nights. Let Nature's Lab tuck you in with our three levels of sleep support. Read this blog to find the right sleep support level for you.
They may be ancient, but herbal supplements are an important part of any modern wellness regimen. This blog highlights ashwagandha, one of the oldest herbal supplements, as well as a few of our other favorite herbs.
Whether your resolution is to relax more, focus harder, workout, de-stress or anything in between, Nature's Lab has supplements that can help you reach your goals, whatever they may look like, for a different year, stronger you.
Historically, ginger has been used as a tonic for common ailments.* Today, its roots are commonly used to promote digestive health and healthy inflammatory response.* Read our blog to find out about this ancient herb and Nature's Lab Ginger Supreme. 
Looking for a hydrating way to get skin winter-ready? Try this DIY Brightening Turmeric Butter from Paradise Springs featuring shea butter, turmeric and lemon oil.